Own your very own apple tree! An apple tree for your family, your friends or your company!
Here at Mogitore we have the perfect highland climate to grow many varieties of apples. Now you can own your own apple tree!
You'll get to take ownership of the whole growth cycle of your apple tree: see the white and pink flowers appear, thin the flowers and then finally harvest your apples.
Sign-up Period
From February 4 until we run out of trees
Ownership Period
From the date the agreement is signed until harvest
Apples with a juicy and light taste.
(Approx. 250g / pc)
Sweetness ★★★
Sourness ★
Hardness ★★
Size ★
Early October ~ late October
Apples with a characteristic dark red skin. These apples are famous for a crispy mouthfeel.
(Approx. 320g / pc)
Sweetness ★★★
Sourness ★★
Hardness ★★★
Size ★★
Early October ~ late October
Large apples. These apples have a good size consistency, so they make great gifts.
(Approx. 350g / pc)
Sweetness ★★★
Sourness ★
Hardness ★★
Size ★★★
Dark scarlet
Mid-October ~ late October
Apples with a honeycore. These are sweet apples that are also sold at markets.
(Approx. 300g / pc)
Sweetness ★★★
Sourness ★★
Hardness ★★
Size ★★
Late October ~ early November
Apples representative of Gunma. These apples are very famous for a rich fragrance and a honeycore that extends to half of the fruit.
(Approx. 270g / pc)
Sweetness ★★★
Sourness ★
Hardness ★★
Size ★★
Pale-pinkish yellow
Early November ~ late November
Slim and smaller apples as the name implies. These apple are sweet and stay fresh for a long time.
(Approx. 200g / pc)
Sweetness ★★★
Sourness ★★
Hardness ★★
Size ★
Late October ~ early November
The classic. Apples with a superb balance of sweetness, sourness, and flavor that stay fresh for a long time.
(Approx. 300g / pc)
Sweetness ★★★
Sourness ★★
Hardness ★★★
Size ★★
Early November ~ late November
Although the amount your tree produces may vary due to the weather or the tree, each plan taken out with us includes a minimum harvest guarantee.
* If you can't be here on harvest day, we will ask for you to pay a fee for us to box and send the minimum harvest amount to you.
* If a natural disaster causes considerable damage, we are willing to provide refunds to customers who request them.
* If a tree owner wants to exit their agreement before harvest, we can provide an 80% refund of their sign-up fee (to cover costs).
Facility information
10月〜5月 10:00〜16:00
6月〜9月 9:00〜16:00
みなかみフルーツランド モギトーレ
TEL. 0278-64-2800
〒379-1411 群馬県利根郡みなかみ町新巻5-10
Business hours
October - May 10:00〜16:00
June - September 9:00〜16:00
15 minutes from Tsukiyono I.C by car.
30 minutes from Minakami I.C by car.
22 minutes from Jomokogen Sta. by local bus.
Minakami Fruits Land Mogitore
TEL. 0278-64-2800
5-10, Aramaki, Minakami-machi Tone-gun, Gumma, 379-1411, Japan